Sunday, March 17, 2013

"No one ever likes the right person" -Brett Easton Elliss

-__- He's right. I got this girl, well....... it's more like she got me, dangling from these wires. I'm the puppet and she's Geppetto. The thing is she doesn't want me how I want her, but she wont let me go. I know what I am to her, trust me I know, I'm the backup plan. As in, "if every other relationship with every guy on the planet fails, at least I have Terry on hold."I try to cut our attachment by leaving her alone, but weeks would go by and out of the blue there's a text on my phone. It's her, reminding me that she still exist's, reminding me that I'm not good enough for her to love, but dumb enough for her to control. The sad part is, I love it. Not the part where I am belittled, I love the fact that she needs me. Even as a backup, she values my companionship to a certain degree where she cannot ignore it. But how long can this last? How long until the puppet master finds a new puppet? How long until I, Pinocchio long to be not a boy, but a real man?                                                                                                                             -Terry Moore  

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