Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14 Class

"Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work." - Will Rogers

And it's a damn shame (the communist thing -- I don't think Prohibition was a good idea at any point during its lifespan, not in theory nor in implementation). Why is it we can't have a society where 'give' is the primal instinct rather than 'take?' Do we not trust one another enough? That must be it, the achilles heel to any forward thinking, out-of-left-field-but-just-might-work wave of change that comes our way; fear. We can't give instead of take because inside out anxious little minds we're all sure that someone somewhere will be taking instead of giving, relaxing and enjoying the trickled-down fruits of our labor the way a hyena enjoys the leftover meat from a lion's kill. I suppose that's our problem -- one bad apple spoils the bunch, and we're the most wary, nervous bushels of fruit that have ever existed in the wide span of human history.

-Reid Williams

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