Thursday, March 14, 2013

2/26 Class

"There was this funny thing of anything could happen now that we realized everything we had." - Raymond Carter

This is what it's like to be riding on high in New York City. I always say to friends and family, and let me gon on record saying that this is an original quote and hopefully one day will be widely known and attributed to me, that New York is like a wave. When you have the energy to fight and paddle and get on top -- when you're feeling what Carver describes -- the wave carries you as far as you want. But when you don't have that energy, New York is going to throw you around in the surf, smash you against the ground, disorient you, and, if you stay out of the game for too long, drown you. This place is a city for the optimists, despite popular belief, the tough ones. For people who feel every day what I imagine to be a peak of happiness and positivity for Mr. Carver.

-Reid Williams

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