Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"War does not determine who is right
Only who is left" - Bertrand Russel

   How is it we know history? We dust off an ancient tome from the deepest cave of Borneo. Bones of men lay scattered across the cave entrance. An untouched goldmine for archaeologists and anthropologists. Perfectly preserved, a journal of sorts found beneath the rubble of a once living man. This pile is different from the others. Amulets and pendants of gold lay here. The dusty remains of his hands still grip tight upon his sword. His trusted weapon had held the attackers off but even Excalibur couldn't hold back an army. Perhaps he was the leader? a bandit? the owner of this glorious tome. Was it his journal? We would never know. He was the last man standing with the only written text that would open the portal to a historical event. This one ancient tome decides who is good, evil, right and wrong. Out textbooks tells of a great hero defending his tribe from invading outsiders. Real history would tell us of a thief who had stolen from the great library of a once existing civilization. Everything in history is told through letters and words. Words wrought upon by those with bloody hands and a the last beating pulse.

-Ricardo G.

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