Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Working Man

Joey Almonte

"If god don't forgive me, he ain't a working man"

         In other words, there is a don't struggle that working men go through that only the working man knows. Someone who does not know the struggles of would have a different view of life compared to that of a working man. Therefore, according to the prompt, if God does not understand what the working man has to do and what he must deal with, he is not a one of them. The american dream does not come easy and it often comes at a price that one would assume is understood by God for he knows the struggle of all people.
         I don't agree with this prompt because God forgives those who recognize their wrongs, not blame it on the circumstances surrounding them or the fact that they are a "working man." I believe it depends on what one is asking for forgiveness for. Is it a case of committing murder to feed one's family, or petty theft? isn't it all wrong, or does it shift with the situation revolving one's actions. I don't think its about God forgiving a person, its about the person forgiving themselves for an action they think God will not understand.

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