Friday, February 22, 2013

Drugs are a bet with the mind

Drugs are a bet with the mind

Some say if you didn't try it, how can you judge? I wake up every day to see the people i love/loved get destroyed by drugs. They say it soothes the mind but I always ask this "soothing" is it permanent or temporary. If it was a good thing wouldn't it last, why must you keep doing it, why must you be addicted? I watched as drugs tear apart the life of my oldest sister and my ex-boyfriend. I watched as their attitudes changed, their mind-states their goals and aspirations. I was only about doing IT "THE DRUG" when they could get it, when they could do it? Miss classes, then drop out of school in all, then always mad at the world, hmmmmmm some mind soother. Commercials on television saying stay above the influence *scoff* but then they release a movie with my favorite actor abusing drugs, then you have artist rapping and promoting it. Stay above the influence all right!
                                                                                                                                          Ruth Pierre

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