Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Every minute you are angry is 60 seconds of happiness lost

Journal Entry February 12 2013: “Every minute you are angry you lose happy”
Every minute angry is sixty seconds of happiness lost. Why waste time dwelling on the bad, making the longest, biggest, most drawn out argument of what went wrong, instead of focusing on the possibility that something small might have gone well. Seeing the good in things is one of the true gifts of life. Being able to see the good in things brings a better conscience and allows for peace, love, and kindness to permeate everywhere. Optimism is key.  Now imagine you are a little older, life is a little harder, stress is weighing down on you, and worries are much more real. Money, bills, debt is piling on your back and you have to get by. For example, say your son or daughter sneaks five dollars from your wallet in the morning before work. Two outcomes can happen. One can either be really upset and dwell on the fact that now they cannot stop at the street cart down the block for their usual morning bagel, and they can plan the punishment they have coming for their kid. Or, they can focus on the bright side and realize that maybe now their kid can get a snack at the snack bar in school. Now of course this is a much smaller scale of “happiness not being wasted,” but the legend holds true. Happiness is hard to find in a world of despair, a place of misfortune, in a country with no trust, or in a relationship with no faith. But, I guarantee if you look hard enough, it is there. See, happiness lurks behind at the bottom of the hamper, around that unturned corner, and behind the closet door. Sometimes it plays a game of hide and go seek with your mind and likes to hid for hours, days, years. But, at the end of the game someone has to yell olly-olly-oxen free and everyone must reveal themselves.

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