Friday, February 8, 2013

"Education is simpy the soul of society...

"Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to the next."-Gilbert Chesterton

It is said that when you die your soul lives on free to roam. As you meet and interact with people on a day to day basis something said or taught is instilled in you. Education can give you authority, recognition, and leadership that can help you overcome obstacles that have been fought before. Education is something acquired and passed down so the new generation has the knowledge to surpass these things. Education is our soul and we feed it by passing knowledge of what we know to educate. It is also the foundation of where a society is built and where a generation is born. Educate comes from the word education and if we do not educate our society it can not be passed on from one generation to the next.
-Kristal O.

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