Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Would you believe in what you believed in if you were the only one who believed in it?" -Kanye West.
          There must be some degree of truth and proof in what I believe; I most certainly don’t want to come across as stupid and delusional. I believe there is a god, I believe in Christianity; I believe there is a divine being looking down on me. I have seen things happened in my life that I cannot explain. I have seen miracles happened when the doctors said, “you have only 6 months.” It most certainly didn’t happen from a “big bang!” This to me is a different degree of belief. I don’t care if I was the only one, I believe in my religion and that is something no matter what people say I will never deny and I will stand up till the end. 
          What about this then, I believe I am of some authority. I am superior and better than everyone sitting here today. I am so wealthy I can do what the hell I want when I want, how I want because I can. I believe I have the authority to oppose whoever I want because I am the number one it thing in this town, Obama got nothing on me. I believe I stand for the truth and I can say what’s on my mind anytime I feel to. I can ruin lives because I can. Now what a stupid belief, I must be the only one believing this shit. This is the belief of a self centered, vain, egotistical, small-minded fool. Such a strong believe but yet so harmful to even bring a bullet through the head for being a big mouth. A belief that belittles another person, and does no good. This is not what I would stand up for.
          I would most defiantly change what I believe in if I am the only person believing in something foolish or believing in an action for the wrong reasons. Hey, look around this is 2013, we must grasp by now what is foolishness and what is worth fighting for. Lets think about the 9/11 attack for a second. At some degree whatever happen had to be because of a belief. Whether it was terrorism or a government conspiracy the actions taken were because of a belief so strong that there was no other way but this way sad to say. Not to be judging or discriminating against anyone in particular, but come on man, you got to believe in something that makes sense, and not hurt innocent people.
          It all has to do with what you believe in and what you stand for. You can’t just be stupid about it and throw out empty words. Think about any scientist who developed a theory and is so famous today. All these famous scientist and psychologist had strong beliefs in something while being ridicule for it. The difference was these beliefs were to help people, they were educated about what they stood up for, and they even proved it. Can this be said about what you believe in? Does your belief bring about good without hurting and bringing down people? What difference can your belief make for the world? Can this be said about Kanye and what he stands for?
      By: Nicholl Pinder

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