Sunday, October 6, 2013

Paul Bear Bryant prompt

"Is not the will to win that matters, it's the will to prepare to win that matters." -Paul Bear Bryant
This quote reminds me of another quote by a famous sociologist who studied how the criminal mind worked and the reason for their actions. "You can get in trouble if you put too much emphasis on the goal and not the means to your goal." In most of people's lives, our goal is money. If you do not put the means to get to your goal, what other way are you supposed to succeed. If you do not prepare yourself to get to that goal or to reach that success what other way will you achieve it. Being that the goal is money, many people have the option to take the easy way out the way gamblers, prostitutes and even drug dealers do. These are career criminals, people who make it to that goal, make that money but they never had to do any kind of preparation to get there. Putting emphasis on the means to your goal is having access to the things that will prepare you to reach it. Having access to schools, jobs, internships. These are things that will prepare you for the win. It is the preparation that matters, not the goal being that you've got the win.  

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