Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Success has many fathers. Failure is a bastard."

Failure is inevitable. People are bound to make mistakes and occasionally hit rock bottom, maybe we may even hit the bottom multiple times within a short period. Failure might be a bastard, but it is there to provoke success. In an obscure way, failure might as well be one of the fathers of success. Success is not something that people are motivated to achieve unless failure is there to prompt action because one definition of failure can be inaction. A taste of failure is what makes success so sweet, so glorifying, and so right. Failure should not be looked down upon as often as it is because even the most successful still fail, as well as the smartest, the best looking, and the most talented. Failure is a great tool and guide to humans; it is a giant manual, personalized to fit every single human being. Failure is not only a father, but it is also a teacher. It teaches us who we are, who to become, and who to strive to be. Failure allows for improvement, discipline, and progress. Often times failure should be recognized and thanked because without failure, the world would be moving towards failure and stagnant on failure. I guess what I am trying to say is that success is dependent on failure, and failure is something so great and so humble that it exists only for the sake of success and probably nothing else.

- Georgie Fu

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