Tuesday, October 22, 2013


     Success is the ultimate goal. In every aspect of life I strive for success; in school, my job, track, and my relationships. Some would call me a perfectionist based on my obsession with reaching success. I cannot even argue. I even call it a curse myself.

     Freshman year of high school is when I can say I was cursed. My whole academic year I did nothing out of the ordinary. I went to class, did homework, and studied for tests. At the end of the year I received a letter from the school inviting me to an honors banquet that named the top six students in class rank. "I must be just making it, that's nice," I thought to myself nonchalantly. I had always gotten good grades but I never perceived that I had the best grades. That is until I attended the banquet, and was notified that I held the first ranking, number one in the class. The second I saw that number one next to my name I was cursed.

     From then on I had a goal of keeping that rank. I wanted to be the best. I was neck and neck with the boy in the number two spot, Colby, a computer science engineering genius. The kid built computers for fun for god's sake. I was in for hell but I did not know it then. The next three years I spent slaving over my grades. They had to be perfect. Yet after all that time and effort I finished with a GPA of 101.39, behind Colby. I was the salutatorian of my class but does that mean I did not reach success? 

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