Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Yes we can or no we can not?"

I can't even bitch about this quote because for once my rant has something to do with this. I wrote a pretty long LiveJournal entry about this, how you think you're able to get past something and then realize you're not really past it.

And I'm not even a depressing person like that. I mean of course I get morbidly sad every once in a while and I mean like really really morbidly sad but I've actually been pretty happy lately. Like I mean shits been weird as ever, if not weirder, but I just brushed it off...Or was I bottling it up?

Yes we can...can we really? Can we keep on trying to be our best and to impress everyone and to be a good person and friend and child and student and on and on and on? And to be happy and not overwhelmed while doing it? Can we run around smiling, getting As, maintaining perfect relationships with everyone, no f**k that, maintaining perfect everything, all the time? Can we? Or can we not? Can anyone? I want to know.

And this isn't some angsty teenage shit either. I really want to know if it's possible. Because it seems a lot of people have it down. Or are they pretending? Can we not? Really....can we or can we not?

Does it come with age? That's doubtful, if anything most grown ups seem more miserable than kids my age. So maybe I don't even want to know if we can, because what if no we can not? What then?


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