Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and end of human experience

I completely agree with the prompt. I took theory of knowledge for the Ib program last year and one of the questions we kept coming to in class discussions was: Why do people do the things they do, why do they act the way they act? My answer was continually for the pursuit of happiness.

Every move I make in my life is an answer to the question "what will make me happier?". Yes, I know this seems selfish, but I have this thing called a conscience, and it give me guilt when I really am selfish., and then I am no longer happy. So, when I do unselfish things, I avoid this negative feeling of guilt, and rediscover that the act of being unselfish actually does make me happier.

Here's a question: If your are not pursuing happiness, what are you doing? Pursuing money? fame? If you want to pursue these things, I'm pretty sure that it is based on the idea that your obtaining these things will make you happy.

Happiness levels are controlled by chemicals in our brain like dopamine, and these chemicals are natural drugs that we are addicted to. Our body keeps us doing the things it wants with promises that we can get our hands on the powerful drug that is happiness.

-S. Grove

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