Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Memento morti 'remember that you will die.'"

My mind is so blank today, I'm not going spout any pretend wisdom. No cosmopolitan discussions on cosmopolitan subjects-- I'm 18. What do I even know? I will die. That's how things go. I do really like Latin though. (Three sentences in a row (!) that rhyme!)

I wish I had taken Latin in high school. It's so fascinating; and it seems to constantly be spoken here. I might understand Constitutional law if I spoke Latin. My favorite Latin phrase is "Si vis pacem, para bellum," if you want peace, prepare for war. I think it's quite pretty and profound.

Again, without even knowing it, I am having a cosmopolitan discussion about a cosmopolitan subject at 18. I guess that's what I get for going to NYU-- a very pretentious school that only accepts the best of the best. To be the best of the best you must think of yourself that way and you must have been told that at some point too. This bloated perception of our own naive wisdom is only fueled by our professors telling us we're so smart-- until that first D, that is. Ever. Everything comes crashing down. No longer as smart as you thought you were, eh?

Penumbra has to be one of the coolest words. Penumbra. Put it in your mouth and savor the shape of each letter and the sound they make. It'll taste better than your breakfast I can guarantee. And we're back to Latin.

I seem to write more when I have my own topics. I'd say that shows my self-centered, stubborn tendencies. Or the fact that I don't understand most of the quotes at 8 in the morning. Or that I don't like sounding pretentious. Riana, you do any ways.

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