Monday, November 22, 2010

Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand.

Right off the bat this reminds me of those tests we used to take in middle school that showed whether we were visual, auditive, or kinetic learners. I remember the tests being really poorly made so that you can tell which answers will lead you to what result. The questions would be something like:
Which do you prefer?
A. Looking at things
B. Hearing Things
C. Moving Around
And I remember thinking, this is stupid. I could answer this question without this quiz.

You know what else is stupid? Our teachers never taught any differently after getting the results from the class. They would just look at it and say, "oh that's interesting", and that's it. No special attention to the hyper-active kids who were kind of like puppies who needed to chew on things, and couldn't focus on anything that wasn't within their grasp.

Nothing ever changed.

We still received the same method of teaching we always received. Why? Because teachers don't really teach. They work, and they demonstrate. They don't work for the student though. They work for a wage which pays by the hour and doesn't pay for quality. It's a shame because our future as a nation pays the difference.

-S. Grove

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