Monday, November 29, 2010

Get in. Get out. Don't linger. Go on.

There is a timer that follows you around. All the things that you hope to do are accompanied by a time watch. So as to say, stay on your objective. Procrastination causes conflict within your actions and can eat up your time. Those who strive face obstacles that can also play against your time. After reaching a goal you must continue accomplishing, there is no reason why you would stop. When you reach a goal it is only a checkpoint in the race of life. The finish line is where or when you cease living. Even so some people believe that would continue to live in an afterlife, therefore there is no excuse to stop on your doings.( By Luis Roberto Severino)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

what good are insights?

What good are insights? They only make things worse.

Everyone has their own perspectives. It's always good to have different views. There's the pro's and the con's which can be avoided when aware of them. Not everyone want to know though. I say live the experience. I don't want anyone to inform me on what outcome they think or so sure I will get, then it wouldn't be an good to actually go through with it. Such as a palm reader. I don't want someone to tell me what they see I'm' going through because obviously I'm the one dealing with the dilemmas. I also don't need anyone to discuss their predictions or my future because i can fear what they have to say and live unhappy/paranoid. i could even get my hopes all worked up based on a lie. When we are born, life doesn't come with a book of instructions. We have others to make mistake for us, and if we don't learn from them, unfortunately we learn the hard way. We fall, and yet we all fall by ourselves. Only question left is whether we want to get back up... Ashley Velez ; )

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

There Is Only One Right Word

"There is only one right word." There is only one right word to complete the sentence. There is only one right word to complete the phrase. There is only one right word to respond to such a question. She couldn't honestly expected any other response other than that. There is only one right word to end my speech with. There is only one right world that I should have said before he died. There is only one right word that could have completed the sentence about how I felt at that moment. There is only one right word that expresses how I feel now. All of the hard work, all the people that doubted me, all the people that thought that I shouldn't have been given that second chance at birth. There was only one word that she said before she left, her and her family. There was only one right word that I wanted to say but I couldn't. That one word could have changed the situation. But I'm fine with the outcome now. So I just stand here alone and shrug, forgetting that one right word.

-Brian Hamilton

"Get In. Get Out. Don't Linger. Go On"

"Get in. Get out. Don't linger. Go on" That's how I feel about school today. That's how I feel about school everyday. That's how I feel about most things the majority of the time. I just want to get in, do what needs to be done and get out. I hate when people linger over things. Move on, if there is nothing you can do about it just move on. Sitting around crying and feeling depressed or sad about the situation isn't going to help anything. I guess that's why they say I'm a cold person. Well it's a cold world. "Get in. Get out. Don't linger. Go on" The faster I get what needs to be done, done, the more time I have to do what I want to do. "Get in. Get out. Don't linger. Go on"

-Brian Hamilton


"Memento morti 'remember that you will die.'"

My mind is so blank today, I'm not going spout any pretend wisdom. No cosmopolitan discussions on cosmopolitan subjects-- I'm 18. What do I even know? I will die. That's how things go. I do really like Latin though. (Three sentences in a row (!) that rhyme!)

I wish I had taken Latin in high school. It's so fascinating; and it seems to constantly be spoken here. I might understand Constitutional law if I spoke Latin. My favorite Latin phrase is "Si vis pacem, para bellum," if you want peace, prepare for war. I think it's quite pretty and profound.

Again, without even knowing it, I am having a cosmopolitan discussion about a cosmopolitan subject at 18. I guess that's what I get for going to NYU-- a very pretentious school that only accepts the best of the best. To be the best of the best you must think of yourself that way and you must have been told that at some point too. This bloated perception of our own naive wisdom is only fueled by our professors telling us we're so smart-- until that first D, that is. Ever. Everything comes crashing down. No longer as smart as you thought you were, eh?

Penumbra has to be one of the coolest words. Penumbra. Put it in your mouth and savor the shape of each letter and the sound they make. It'll taste better than your breakfast I can guarantee. And we're back to Latin.

I seem to write more when I have my own topics. I'd say that shows my self-centered, stubborn tendencies. Or the fact that I don't understand most of the quotes at 8 in the morning. Or that I don't like sounding pretentious. Riana, you do any ways.

Can we?

Yes we can or no we cannot.

Unless we get our acts together and stop branching into extremist factions of government where the only issues at hand are why we hate the other party, we certainly cannot. Right now the political system is so polarized that real issues have ceased to matter; all that is focused on is minute and trivial details. Then there are groups, like the Tea Party, which completely illegitimize the Republican party, the Constitution, and our entire notion of government all of which create a bad name for politics in the United States. The people want change from what we are in, and sadly the Tea Party is the only "party" representing some sort of change. They'll get elected into office because they are "just like us" and then we'll be left with the whack jobs in Congress and even more will fail. We need a united, sane front in order to get out of the deficit, the growing war, and the deep social inequalities that face us now. The polarized system that focuses on finger pointing will get us no where but angry and reticent towards the people who can actually help. Yes, we can fix these issues and get the United States to a place of stability but work needs to be done on the state of Capitol Hill and the morale of the people. A populous without hope can do nothing-- we need excited youth to lead us further. We need excited, proactive, innovative politicians to pave the way.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand.

Right off the bat this reminds me of those tests we used to take in middle school that showed whether we were visual, auditive, or kinetic learners. I remember the tests being really poorly made so that you can tell which answers will lead you to what result. The questions would be something like:
Which do you prefer?
A. Looking at things
B. Hearing Things
C. Moving Around
And I remember thinking, this is stupid. I could answer this question without this quiz.

You know what else is stupid? Our teachers never taught any differently after getting the results from the class. They would just look at it and say, "oh that's interesting", and that's it. No special attention to the hyper-active kids who were kind of like puppies who needed to chew on things, and couldn't focus on anything that wasn't within their grasp.

Nothing ever changed.

We still received the same method of teaching we always received. Why? Because teachers don't really teach. They work, and they demonstrate. They don't work for the student though. They work for a wage which pays by the hour and doesn't pay for quality. It's a shame because our future as a nation pays the difference.

-S. Grove

Thursday, November 18, 2010



The future favors shit. It is a black hole we are all inevitably sucked into. A vacuum. A motherfucking pit. The bold, is that like the brave? Is it the strong? Is it the straightforward? Is it the successful? What is success? Everything is relative and this right here is bullshit. Thank you good night. Begin again forward and one foot in front of the other one step at a motherfucking time. Time. Time. Time. And the future, shit. Inevitable shit. And we step in it every day. Put it in a box and tie it up in a bow and call it promising. The future is not benevolent and it is what you make of it. Or what mommy and daddy can buy for you. Or who you fuck, who you kill who you steal from. Life is shit and so is this. Again. Step up let them know wake up or don’t the world still turns and no one will remember you. But we remember Jesus didn’t we. Who the fuck was Jesus that we should remember him? Why do things happen the way they do and why do I wake each morning towards this inevitable shit. Trash. Garbage. Nothing. And with happiness comes pain and with pain strength. To start again towards the future. Be bold stand up start again. Towards to the futures the black hole the nothing the empty. The rapist the child molester the homeless drug addicted and destitute. The depraved psycho paths accents of birth. The benevolent the kind the giving the loving the saints and the sinners. Again. Wake up . begin. Cycle shit. Useless nothing matters. Bold shy quiet confrontational nothing matters. Oh my god I don’t think you hear me all your money cant by salvation and all my bitching wont fix the inevitable. Shit. Cycle. Begin again.

- Angela Christina Jones

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A hero is no braver than ordinary man, but he is braver five seconds longer.

A hero is no braver than ordinary man and i agree with that because having heart is what makes you strong and brave. If having that, why cant you be a hero? A hero doesn't have to be someone saves the world but someone who change the world and that's superhuman. Super human to me is someone you can look up to for inspiration. But what makes the difference between the two is the title of a hero and ordinary man. The fact the hero is being seen for what he is doing, but the ordinary man is doing but not being seen. That's what makes a hero Five seconds braver longer because of the impact he is doing is being applaud but the ordinary man tends to fail because his impact is not being applaud.

-Eva Castillo

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tell your friend a lie, if he keeps it a secret tell them the truth.

This is all about honesty. Tell your friend a lie, if he keeps it a secret tell them the truth. Its about seeing who loyal and who not .Who have your back and who don't. That's why don't call everyone your friend and just because i talk to you doesn't mean i trust you. That's how it goes and that's how its going to be and that life. You always know who your friend are when you need them. If they do you wrong once, they do you wrong twice, so don't let twice happen because that is just plain stupidity if you ask me. It's a cold world, put your hat on, put your gloves on and whatever else that protect yourself because only you can secure yourself, when it comes down to it. Tell your friend a lie, if he keeps it a secret tell him the truth. And if he keeps the lie a secret, now you know you have a friend until they know the truth.

Eva Castillo.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and end of human experience

I completely agree with the prompt. I took theory of knowledge for the Ib program last year and one of the questions we kept coming to in class discussions was: Why do people do the things they do, why do they act the way they act? My answer was continually for the pursuit of happiness.

Every move I make in my life is an answer to the question "what will make me happier?". Yes, I know this seems selfish, but I have this thing called a conscience, and it give me guilt when I really am selfish., and then I am no longer happy. So, when I do unselfish things, I avoid this negative feeling of guilt, and rediscover that the act of being unselfish actually does make me happier.

Here's a question: If your are not pursuing happiness, what are you doing? Pursuing money? fame? If you want to pursue these things, I'm pretty sure that it is based on the idea that your obtaining these things will make you happy.

Happiness levels are controlled by chemicals in our brain like dopamine, and these chemicals are natural drugs that we are addicted to. Our body keeps us doing the things it wants with promises that we can get our hands on the powerful drug that is happiness.

-S. Grove

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and the end of human experience.

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and the end of human experience." I thought being in college meant we are going to figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives. I'm not 100% sure what I want to be, but I'm pretty positive it has nothing to do with what I'm learning in Cultural and Social Foundations. I really don't care about that BCE stuff and reading about all of these myths. They're obviously not true, so why don't we focus on our history and learn about the twentieth century because I think it's pretty whack we know more about ancient Egypt than World War I. But even learning about that; isn't all of it high school material? Shouldn't we be doing something that could influence our career path? I don't know what's happening to me. I used to be a very optimistic and outgoing person, but college changed me. I still think I can be that person, but when I look back at all these prompts, I only see myself complaining. That's not who I am. I look for the better things, not the worse. So, right now, I'm not living up to this quote.

Brandon J.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Yes we can or no we can not?"

I can't even bitch about this quote because for once my rant has something to do with this. I wrote a pretty long LiveJournal entry about this, how you think you're able to get past something and then realize you're not really past it.

And I'm not even a depressing person like that. I mean of course I get morbidly sad every once in a while and I mean like really really morbidly sad but I've actually been pretty happy lately. Like I mean shits been weird as ever, if not weirder, but I just brushed it off...Or was I bottling it up?

Yes we can...can we really? Can we keep on trying to be our best and to impress everyone and to be a good person and friend and child and student and on and on and on? And to be happy and not overwhelmed while doing it? Can we run around smiling, getting As, maintaining perfect relationships with everyone, no f**k that, maintaining perfect everything, all the time? Can we? Or can we not? Can anyone? I want to know.

And this isn't some angsty teenage shit either. I really want to know if it's possible. Because it seems a lot of people have it down. Or are they pretending? Can we not? Really....can we or can we not?

Does it come with age? That's doubtful, if anything most grown ups seem more miserable than kids my age. So maybe I don't even want to know if we can, because what if no we can not? What then?


"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss event; small minds discuss other people."

Corny MySpace quote, I refuse to answer you. Why? Because I'm tired, and did my essay this morning and had a f**ked up weekend and can't figure out how to manage my time.

Here we go, I'm just gonna indent and slant my way through this page. The sloppier and the loopier my letters are, the more space I have to leave between words, which is great because this sentence is already three lines long.

Got my graduation present yesterday....?

I really don't know what to say.....

I'm freaked the f**k out in general. I freaked out this weekend and then I was freaking out about freaking out. I'm freaked out about my midterm tomorrow and Thursday and Monday. I'm freaked out that I can't manage my time anymore and that I'm always tired and never home. And that my brother is almost six...which is weird. And that in less than a month I'll be 18, which is even weirder.

So no. I don't care about your mind, small minds, big minds, average minds or any other minds. I know mine is going crazy for no reason so I rather sit here and whine about that, then have to pretend to have some deep insight about a quote I don't even like.


"Beauty is in the eyes of the advertisers"

That's so stupid...Honestly half of these quotes just make me angry, like what compels you to say that? For real. Anyway, beauty is not in the "eyes of the advertisers." Can we all just stop blaming shit on others? "Oh I'm fat because of McDonalds;" "I'm jobless because everyone buys from China..."

Shut up. Stop eating. Stop shopping at Walmart. Advertisements give people what they want. If everyone wanted to see size 6 women (which, by the way, they used to want to see) then we'd see ads full of actual women, not pin thin 16 year olds.

And honestly advertisers have tried the "plus size model" campaigns. You know why they didn't stick? BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO SEE IT. Because it's all cute to be anorexic and it isn't at all cute to eat at McDonalds.

And yes, yes, yes, I have mentioned Micky Ds quite a few times.

Now we have one minute. I'm still angry at this quote but I'm running out of things to say. Maybe it's because I'm not so angry anymore? I'm gonna keep on indenting so it looks like I'm writing like a "real" writer would.


This is BS!

Everyone loves skinny girls.

Well maybe not men...but you know. "time's up."
