Monday, November 29, 2010
Get in. Get out. Don't linger. Go on.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
what good are insights?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
There Is Only One Right Word
"There is only one right word." There is only one right word to complete the sentence. There is only one right word to complete the phrase. There is only one right word to respond to such a question. She couldn't honestly expected any other response other than that. There is only one right word to end my speech with. There is only one right world that I should have said before he died. There is only one right word that could have completed the sentence about how I felt at that moment. There is only one right word that expresses how I feel now. All of the hard work, all the people that doubted me, all the people that thought that I shouldn't have been given that second chance at birth. There was only one word that she said before she left, her and her family. There was only one right word that I wanted to say but I couldn't. That one word could have changed the situation. But I'm fine with the outcome now. So I just stand here alone and shrug, forgetting that one right word.
-Brian Hamilton
"Get In. Get Out. Don't Linger. Go On"
-Brian Hamilton
Can we?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The future favors shit. It is a black hole we are all inevitably sucked into. A vacuum. A motherfucking pit. The bold, is that like the brave? Is it the strong? Is it the straightforward? Is it the successful? What is success? Everything is relative and this right here is bullshit. Thank you good night. Begin again forward and one foot in front of the other one step at a motherfucking time. Time. Time. Time. And the future, shit. Inevitable shit. And we step in it every day. Put it in a box and tie it up in a bow and call it promising. The future is not benevolent and it is what you make of it. Or what mommy and daddy can buy for you. Or who you fuck, who you kill who you steal from. Life is shit and so is this. Again. Step up let them know wake up or don’t the world still turns and no one will remember you. But we remember Jesus didn’t we. Who the fuck was Jesus that we should remember him? Why do things happen the way they do and why do I wake each morning towards this inevitable shit. Trash. Garbage. Nothing. And with happiness comes pain and with pain strength. To start again towards the future. Be bold stand up start again. Towards to the futures the black hole the nothing the empty. The rapist the child molester the homeless drug addicted and destitute. The depraved psycho paths accents of birth. The benevolent the kind the giving the loving the saints and the sinners. Again. Wake up . begin. Cycle shit. Useless nothing matters. Bold shy quiet confrontational nothing matters. Oh my god I don’t think you hear me all your money cant by salvation and all my bitching wont fix the inevitable. Shit. Cycle. Begin again.
- Angela Christina Jones
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A hero is no braver than ordinary man, but he is braver five seconds longer.
-Eva Castillo
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tell your friend a lie, if he keeps it a secret tell them the truth.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and end of human experience
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and the end of human experience.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"Yes we can or no we can not?"
And I'm not even a depressing person like that. I mean of course I get morbidly sad every once in a while and I mean like really really morbidly sad but I've actually been pretty happy lately. Like I mean shits been weird as ever, if not weirder, but I just brushed it off...Or was I bottling it up?
Yes we can...can we really? Can we keep on trying to be our best and to impress everyone and to be a good person and friend and child and student and on and on and on? And to be happy and not overwhelmed while doing it? Can we run around smiling, getting As, maintaining perfect relationships with everyone, no f**k that, maintaining perfect everything, all the time? Can we? Or can we not? Can anyone? I want to know.
And this isn't some angsty teenage shit either. I really want to know if it's possible. Because it seems a lot of people have it down. Or are they pretending? Can we not? Really....can we or can we not?
Does it come with age? That's doubtful, if anything most grown ups seem more miserable than kids my age. So maybe I don't even want to know if we can, because what if no we can not? What then?
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss event; small minds discuss other people."
Here we go, I'm just gonna indent and slant my way through this page. The sloppier and the loopier my letters are, the more space I have to leave between words, which is great because this sentence is already three lines long.
Got my graduation present yesterday....?
I really don't know what to say.....
I'm freaked the f**k out in general. I freaked out this weekend and then I was freaking out about freaking out. I'm freaked out about my midterm tomorrow and Thursday and Monday. I'm freaked out that I can't manage my time anymore and that I'm always tired and never home. And that my brother is almost six...which is weird. And that in less than a month I'll be 18, which is even weirder.
So no. I don't care about your mind, small minds, big minds, average minds or any other minds. I know mine is going crazy for no reason so I rather sit here and whine about that, then have to pretend to have some deep insight about a quote I don't even like.
"Beauty is in the eyes of the advertisers"
Shut up. Stop eating. Stop shopping at Walmart. Advertisements give people what they want. If everyone wanted to see size 6 women (which, by the way, they used to want to see) then we'd see ads full of actual women, not pin thin 16 year olds.
And honestly advertisers have tried the "plus size model" campaigns. You know why they didn't stick? BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO SEE IT. Because it's all cute to be anorexic and it isn't at all cute to eat at McDonalds.
And yes, yes, yes, I have mentioned Micky Ds quite a few times.
Now we have one minute. I'm still angry at this quote but I'm running out of things to say. Maybe it's because I'm not so angry anymore? I'm gonna keep on indenting so it looks like I'm writing like a "real" writer would.
This is BS!
Everyone loves skinny girls.
Well maybe not men...but you know. "time's up."