Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Kennedy Corrin- "It''s never the changes we want that changes everything."

"It's never the changes we want that changes everything" said Junot Diaz. No one really likes change. Change can surprise you, throw you off course, scare you, but change can be a good thing and can help us better ourselves in many ways. I have had many changes in my life. Some with family, having my parents divorce and going through an unwanted four year custody battle which was the spark that really "changed" everything. I had two classmates die in freak accidents, Julia and Justin both who I had many interactions with and one I really could call a friend. From 8th grade, that changed my perspective on life and death at an early age, seeing it as something so fragile, tangible and precious. It changed how I viewed the ones I loved, how I interacted with them and how I learned to cherish them everyday. Justin, three years later changed me more emotionally. I started to really feel and recognize the power of death and the effect it had on me as a person especially during such a immature time in my life. I think the most important change in my life was the coming to terms with my sexuality. Now that totally changed my life and how I view the same sex and my life from that day forward. It definitely wasn't the changed I "wanted" seeing that it brought me extreme hardship, doubt and confusion during my senior year of high school but overall coming to terms with my bisexuality has shaped who I am and is the change I am most proud of and the one I am still currently learning from today. 

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