Monday, February 23, 2015

A little something on war..

"I hate war as only a solider who has lived it can, only as one who has seen it's brutality, it's futility, it's supidity."

The way I see it, the person that quoted this has a strong passionate hate for war. And I agree with this passion. A soldier experiences many things during a war. They can experience physical injuries along with emotional trauma, loneliness and hardships. They not only encounter their "enemies" whom they have never met, but they also encounter the enemies within themselves. A soldier not only battles in combat, but battles between their morals of what is right and what is wrong. In order to survive they must lose of a sense of their humanity, they must lose their conscience. They must re-program themselves to survival mode. They must do anything and everything to survive. They kind of become like animals. No remorse for a life lost. They lose a part of themselves that they will never get back. It's not their fault, not really. The fault lies in the society we live in. War is senseless because not only does it take the lives of others, it also takes a part of a soldiers life that they can never get back. And even when they return, they will never really return to the way they were before they left. They will never forget the things they've seen and will always be on the lookout for a battle. It's in the word itself. WAR! It's the opposite of peace. War is not only the physical war, but the war within the soldiers that haunt them every step of the way.

- T.T

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