Tuesday, November 25, 2014

White Soil

This reminds me of a white student on the NYU class of 2018 Facebook page who was defending Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot Mike Brown. I found his comments to be disgusting and inhumane because just as Toni Morrison stated in the interview, race is just the human race while racism is a social construct that creates certain benefits for white people. I’m angry–no, I have been angry ever since Trayvon Martin's death because criminals, racist criminals are still enjoying their freedom while the black young man lays in his grave. And that black young black is asking, screaming for our support; his innocent blood calls for our action of justice. And although I’m not black, my heart still grieves because it just doesn’t make sense to me that a young boy who could have been in college right now, like I am, is no longer able to have this opportunity because of a white man, a white society, a white history.

I joined the protest last night and as I was raising my hands and chanting, “no justice no peace, no racist police,” I could feel the world becoming more equal in my heart but in my mind, I was aware that I was still walking on white soil.  

- Bremda Acosta

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