Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Fall Down Seven, Stand Up Eight"

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

To never tail is an achievement that only liars can accomplish. Or that's what it seems like because I know that life cannot be perfect and most of the time one will encounter a roadblock. The fact that we fail at tasks is a beautiful thing. If we were to constantly succeed and be praised we would have nothing greater to strive for, thus our souls will be empty and incomplete. There was a quote my middle school principal was fond of: "Fall down seven, Stand up eight." The most important part of failing is to rise once you've fallen, like a great warrior. You have to remember not to fall into the routine of knowing that you will fail or else the desire to succeed and the acceptance of loss will not coexist anymore.

When life brings you failures, rise up from the ashes like the great phoenix. Not only prove to the world that you are worth more than the social stereotypes of success and failures, but also, more importantly, prove to yourself that you are strong.

Lucy Yeho Hwang

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