Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ignorance and Privilege

Journal by Amanda Regalado
Ignorance and Privilege

"Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is the first sign of privilege. In other words: It is a privilege to ignore the consequence of race in America."
-Time Wise

Prejudice. Discrimination. Hatred.  It is extraordinarily sad to know that these words describe what present day American Society is full of, even in 2014.  In 2014, racism still lives and is acted upon.  Even I find myself guilty of making middles remarks about racial stereotypes when speaking casually with my friends.  Why is that? Why is human kind still separating one another into white and non-white?  What will it take for people to truly see one another as human beings who bleed the same blood?

Tim Wise once said, "Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is the first sign of privilege. In other words: It is a privilege to ignore the consequence of race in America."  In this assertion, Tim declares that many Americans today are ignorant of the racial discrimination that still occurs.  Today, people of "color" are still separated from white people.  People of "color" statistically dace discrimination in the work force and are underrepresented in systems for higher education.  Yes, progress is being made to end this racial prejudice, but there is still much room to grow.  Let's check our privilege, friends. There's room to grow.

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