Monday, May 20, 2013

Red Team Vs. Blue Team

"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates." - Magic Johnson

        Basketball, football; ask me which my favorite team is or my favorite player. Well my answer would be "which team is in New York"? I don't watch sports, physical ones atleast. If you ask me to support my team, the first thing in my head would be running to the front lines and give suppressing fire with the M60 .50 cal. It's all about perspective, face it, not everyone knows sports. Here we sit and occasionally chat about basketball or tennis. To the silent half of the class, its a blurry unknown xenolanguage. It's fine and I don't mind it, I just peer into my imagination and if you ask me for my favorite team, I would tell you the Nicks bu in my mind I would be tell you the red team. Just like physical sports where athletes compete for millions, there is a league of gamers that rally together and compete for millions in my unknown world.


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