Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fictional Love

I am in a relationship. It's with a girl who I care very much about. We are separated at the moment. I'm in a different city, in a different country, in a different life. Leaving home has been the hardest thing that I have had to do in my short 18 year life. The tears that dropped, and the memories left behind were enough to disown my dreams and stay at home with the person who I truly love the most, the girl who I cared most deeply about. She hurt. We hurt. As I left her at dusk on the morning of my departure, I wanted my touch to remain ever lasting. I always wanted to be first. Not first in any sort of physical manner, but an emotional one. The manner that matters most. Someone's first. Her first. As she looked up at me when I stoked her vibrant brown hair away from her tear-filled eyes, everything seemed to be alright. As I whispered in her ear, "If I could keep two things alive it would be the smile on your face and your hands in mine, forever." I knew that everything would be alright. I grabbed her hands softly and held them. Slowly rubbing my thumbs back and forth. There was no kiss, nothing was needed but a simple touch to remind her of my love. This moment was a first. It was a goal in my mind, for me to be her's and for her to be mine.  - All White Everything 

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