Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fashionably Covert Racism

This is a classic example of the kind of racism that isn't always obvious at first glance, but the kind that we see all around us. Here we see LeBron James with a basketball dropping from one hand and the other around the waist of Giselle. On the surface, the image is a tribute to the success of a strong black man in America, succeeding through his abilities and arm in arm with one of the top models in the world. But that facade is a ruse, The image is a direct rehash of the title poster of the movie King Kong, with Kong's face making the same expression as LeBron's and his arm likewise circled around his white female conquest. The notion of the physically imposing, powerful black man as a savage symbol is one that is locked into the mythos of institutionalized racism that exists in america. Here is another example that is hiding in plain view. 

-Will McKenzie

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