Friday, February 10, 2012

Not everyone that shares one's blood should be considered family.

True that! It's not because I'm related to you that makes you my family. Were you there when I was in need? Did you comfort me when I was crying? If not you are no different than someone I just know.
You pretend you love me. You claim that you know me but when I need you, you are nowhere to be found. Yes, we are related, bloodwise, but you are not my family. Family is not something that you should claim to be. It's rather a title given to the people, not necessarily relatives, that supported you no matter what. Did you do that? Aren't you the one that pulled me down that mountain when I was reaching for the top? Aren't you the one that told me I will never make it? That I will never see the stars because I am not important? Look at me now. I had risen through the strangers that pushed me to the top. Strangers that are now family to me because they did what you could not do. Now that I am standing above you, you are reaching for my hand? Why don't you walk away like you usually do because I am to busy gazing at the stars.

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