Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heart breaks are not that bad!

Prompt: one of the hardest things in life is watching someone you love, love someone else

It seems as though broken hearts are not as bad as people make it seem. Take Adele and Drake for example, both went through heart breaks and are now Mrs. Grammy and Mr. Grammy. If that's what heart breaks do, fill you with fame and fortune to the extend where you're taxed 6 figures, then you may rip my heart away...go on don't be shy. Anyways it's not like I care, I mean it has always been money over niggas. I can't say love is all that bad because I've never been heartbroken, I've been the heartbreaker...but I know it will happen one day. Let's just hope that auto tune is developed enough features to make someone like me sound good on an album.

-Beatrice Mendoza

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