Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"No one man should have all this power."

No one man should have all this power. No one man on Earth should have so much power. So much power leads to destruction. A self-destruction that creeps up to the world surrounding you. But who has all this power? Not Kanye. Maybe Oprah, but not Kanye. What would one man do with all this power? Nothing. Probably be an asshole like Kanye says he is throughout his whole pitiful essay. Power, power, power. So many people desire to have a great amount of power. But who has the most power in our society? The President? Ehhhh a little. The truth is those people are celebrities, excluding Kanye. They are the ones that rule the world. They influence what we wear, which community service to volunteer for, who to hate, who to love, but not what we eat. Why? Because we love our disgusting fat fried food so much we wouldn’t let go of it at ALL. But that’s a whole different story.


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