Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know". Ernest Hemingway

Those who possess the ability to glimpse reality behind the facade of smoke and mirrors, perpetuated by the media and politics, are exposed to the unfortunate effects of this truth, and the responsibilities it entails. This is something that those who remain ingnorant and never experience. Seeking and obtaining knowledge has a profound duality, in that it is both a necessary force bringing insight and satisfaction, and a gateway to unnecessary pain and discomfort (driving you to the outskirts of society and it's norms, many times). Once you open up Pandora's Box, what you find cannot be unseen. Truth and reality (no, not reality T.V.) are not always pleasant. Then again, what constitutes reality? Is it subjective based on ones experiences or is there an overall objective view of what is real and what is not?

With intelligence comes responsibilty. Responsibilty entails power. Through self-empowerment lies knowledge. Let us not get swallowed up in largely materialistic ambitions and gluttonous over consumption. You cannot buy your happiness, and refusing to be herded like a flock of sheep, guided by the shepard of media and advertisement is empowering. Life is not always smiles and fucking rainbows, but hell, I'd rather live my life awake then in a perpetual state of sleep.

Anmarie Soucie
Writing II

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