Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Violence Poem

This poem kind of disturbed me. I liked the imagery in the beginning but the ending was creepy and pessimistic. When I write poems, they are generally filled with things important to me, like traveling and particular turning points in my life, whether they are traumatic or positive. But, I can’t seem to relate to this poem at all. It touches on all of the problems one might have in their life-- particularly family issues regarding children and loneliness and the disconnection from a woman and her parents, in particular a relationship between daughter and father, and also the seemingly large disconnect between mother and father.
This poem uses a lot of particular rhetoric that sets me off and adds to the disturbing element: high pitched yowls, stubborn shard, barren nesting doll, sick burning, its own hell, and ending with a a generally upsetting image of a body withstanding a flame, that could be metaphorical, but a mind suffering.
There is a really dark undertone in this poem, and the message might represent an abusive relationship, whether it be sexually or mentally, between father and daughter, because the writer describes a relatively upset woman connecting her present state to her past, relating her father t her doll, who does not smile, or believe that she is his daughter. The final image of the sick burning of the body and mind could very well connect to her relationship with her father, presenting it as an abusive one to not only the body but also the mind.
This poem freaks me out.  

Sophie Kohler

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