Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sometimes a start is all we ever get. - Susan

My mother always used to tell me, "If you start something, make sure to finish it".  Being the kind of teenager that never listened to such "frivolous" advice, I rarely followed this rule.  There have been books, too many for me to count, that I've started to read, and never made to page 90 (which according to my high school English teacher, is the golden page number where it finally starts to get interesting).  However, with the case of my mother, he would not only start things for me, she would also nag me along the way; telling me to see it all through.  As I grew taller, the nagging grew shorter.  Soon, my mother only suggested things for me to do, and she finally let me do things the way I saw it.  Now, as a college freshman, I realize that I have fully transitioned from my mother's hold, into my own independence.  I get to decide for myself whether I want to commit to something, build something, create something.  When I made the decision to attend NYU, y mother was proud that I made the choice alone, free of any external influences.  Even though I no longer have my mother pestering me to finish things, I am not lost.  I find myself becoming responsible by my own accord and completing the tasks that I know my mother would want me to do.  I guess that's what my mother had wanted all along; for her to stop being the anchor in my life and for me to start becoming my own anchor.  Maybe that's what she wanted and maybe that's the only thing she ever really started for me in the first place. 

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