Monday, September 14, 2015

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes"

Maybe in passing someone in the universe who isn't relevant right now will be brought up in passing. Maybe a conversation will be spoken by someone. You know what I really can't make this deep. It would really sound pretentious and artsy, but artsy in the bad way. In the way that people mention with disgust. It's always a replica of the same type of person. They guy with a guitar at a party. The girl with  glasses and paint splattered jeans which she refuses to wash. Because all it takes is one rinse cycle with Tide and warm water to get acrylic paint off fabric. Maybe those are the people who are intentionally grabbing those 15 minutes. They know it. They know we know. Except they take pride in it. They want to be the next Warhol, Banksy, or da Vinci, so fake it until you make it. And everybody is faking something, if we were all honest we really wouldn't have friends or a career left. Honesty can be dangerous. So maybe we portray an image that isn't accurate, not always to the artsy extreme but enough to get by. That's why we have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To scream "I want my 15 minutes" casually. It's a declaration of being here, ready to be noticed.  And it works. I noticed the artsy kid, but I also noticed the guy with a dog on his Facebook account. I noticed them and this exercise is at least 10 minutes long so maybe I'll notice them for 5 minutes more.


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