Monday, September 14, 2015

"Sometimes a start is all we ever get" - Kai

The start, well New York is definitely that start. Weird as shit without a doubt, I mean coming from my small town I honestly don’t know what to make of this. Yeah I love this place, from the grit to the glam, from the kebab stand to the expensive steak house, New York seems to have the best of both worlds. But it is missing something: its missing my world at home. Whenever I talk to my parents, its always about the same thing “how's it going in the big apple” and “did you meet any nice jewish girls there?” While I tell them that it's going great, and it is going great, sometimes I don’t know if I'm being completely truthful. I'm happy and i've made great friends but sometimes I do feel lonely and it feels as if the only thing that I have going into this new life and scenery is a start. I'm coming in without any close friends or family or any knowledge of really where I am or what I want to be doing right now. It feels as if I was thrown into a place and given the most minimal amount of tools and told “you got this.” And yes some days are better than others, some days I feel as if I do “got this”, but other days it feels like an odd mixture between, excitement, confusion, and the feeling of “not having this”. Because I'm a first generation college student my parents don’t really know how to help me in this situation. Yes they give the typical advice of, “just be yourself and work hard and everything will be fine”, but that isn’t enough. From my short 10 days at college i've come to the realization that it's so much more than simply doing your best, its about figuring yourself out and getting comfortable with your surroundings: and I'm not exactly sure where I stand in that case. Yes I have somewhat of an idea of who I am and yes I am comfortable here, just some days I don’t know how to feel. Not saying that I don't love NYU or NYC, which I do completely and that is why I chose to go here, its just a difficult transition. As times gone by I have been feeling more comfortable and used to my area, the classes, the city, etc. it's just one of those things that I won't be one hundred percent ok with until I really understand myself. Now I don’t want to make it deep or anything, but I've definitely realized that people need to understand themselves in order to really have a great time in college and get the most they can out of it. So I guess what this prompt is really saying is that, somewhere along the line we get to start afresh, we get a start in life and maybe it's not the one we imagined or wanted, but at least it's a start. Back in high school everyone had cliques and it made making friends ridiculously annoying, but here everyone is just trying to figure themselves out as much as they are trying to find a place to belong. We're all in this together, and I guess thats the best start you can get.

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