Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Whose Life are you Living Through?

Parents, especially immigrant parents, often attempt to live through the lives of their children. It’s understandable because they want their sacrifices to count for something, to transcend their deaths by continuing to live through the success of their children. But life is hard and young people don’t really know what they want to do with their lives right away. Every mother wishes she could could say “my daughter, she works at Goldman Sachs and has two beautiful children.” But her daughter is still living with roommates and has the generic internship of every college graduate who has no idea what to do with his or her degree yet. Richard Williams was the same way as the parents of such college graduates because he wanted his training lessons to come into life and his pride was validated through the success of Serena and Venus. But did he ever ask them what they wanted? Did they want space from their insisting father? Did they want to attend college and be regular people? I bet he never asked them these types of questions because he lived, and continues to live, off of his daughters’ lives since he dedicated most of his time to developing their athletic talent.

-Bremda A. 

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