Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"Time makes hero's but dissolves celebrities" - Daniel J. Boorstin

English 101
July 8, 2014

I don't necessarily think that thats true because how many times in out everyday lives do you hear someone speak about the latest scandal with Miley Cyrus, or Kim Kardashians latest outfit and last but not least what Beyonce and Jay-Z bought baby blue for her 3rd birthday. But not many people can tell you whats going on in the news or what was the latest thing Obama did for out country was. Celebrities are hero's to many people, for example Beyonce is a hero for most young girls and gay artists are hero's to for the gay community because they are so called inspirational for being who they are on a normal basis. Beyonce taught young girls that one plus one equals two but does that mean that she should get a trophy for it? Or maybe this quote is trying to say that we dissolve celebrities into our lives so much and we are so absorbed by this fantasy world that they live in we fail to realize all the work that regular people do. Who are they? Believers, fighters, compassionate people who care about children's education and the environment. We recognize the people who do nothing for us and praise them but those who sacrifice their life to try to make the world a better place are pushed to the side. I'm not saying that I'm not just as guilty as the next person, but I'm just wondering if we have out priorities straight.


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