Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities ." -Daniel s. boorstin


         It takes time to accomplish a goal in order to save your world. However, time is consuming and could wash away ones youth and personality. Daniel Boorstin once said "time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities". He basically means that throughout time a person trying to change the world will go through strife and inconvenient situations just to make a change. Yet, “celebrities” don't have to always struggle to get to where they are. A celebrity however, must still has to spend time maintain their fame and keep an audience satisfied.

     At the end fame comes and goes, just like money and power. That's why in order to keep a high standard and be loved by society celebrities must keep up with the latest trends such as music, body, and fashion. Doing such things just to be "hip" and "in" eventually "dissolves them like Boorstin expresses.

      Now take a hero like Nelson Mandela, he did not have to keep up with fashion all materialistic manners that a celebrity like Chief Keef has to. He wasn't trying to satisfy the people in his society and be "all that”. No, Mandela he was devoted to break South Africa from apartheid. The nationalist did everything for his people. He even spent 27 years in prison, just to make his point. Mandela took "time" to become a hero whereas our modern celebrities take time trying to impress everyone by their appearance, which eventually leads to their down fall.


 -Nixaliz Pena

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