Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy therefore is education.- Frankin D. Roosevelt

     Democracy means that the consent of the governed is required to all decision making in this society. Roosevelt is saying that in order to have a successful democracy, there has to be people that are governed that have education so that their view that they present in decision making is a good view. If the governed is not educated, they will not necessarily know what is best for the country or nation as a whole. That is what Roosevelt means when he says that education is the safeguard of democracy. Today, that is still the case, but in my opinion, this democracy has changed. It seems like we don't live in a democracy anymore. We are barely involved in the decision making. I believe the top 1% controls controls what happens in our democracy. It all makes sense. Think about it. They don't even pay taxes. If we, the governed, were not to pay taxes, we would be thrown in jail immediately. If more people were educated in this society, they would know that they can't take us all to jail. As you look at the money distribution, the top 1% owns more of the country's currency each year. This doesn't seem like a democracy. It seems like an absolute monarchy. In this democracy, the amount of poor people are  increasing and the middle class is becoming poor. Soon there will be no middle class. We certainly don't have to go to socialism to find something that's fair. All we need is educated people sour country can move forward.
-Jeffrey Collado 

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