Wednesday, July 9, 2014

" Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities" quote response

"Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities", is just another way of saying everything that's good does not last long. We live in a society where everyday there's a new emerging artist and in order for that artist to be known and succeed, another artist has to fall. The hero part I don't understand. But when it says that it "dissolves celebrities" it means that their career path is being affected because as time passes by new and better things happen that steal away the shine of that artist. Just as I mentioned before, it sucks that for someone to succeed, another person has to fall. That's our society! Degrading others to benefit ourselves. It's survival of the fittest. The strongest ones are the one that make it further. Another way this quote can be interpret is that celebrities get tired so as time passes their just getting drained and exhausted so as someone else out there gets better, they're just tired. A lot of people think that celebrities have a good life because they have money. But just imagine for second, living your life to satisfy others. I bet it's difficult. Specially in a society where nothing is too much and there are no limits. Just like in the article " Celebrity Bodies", celebrities are going through these massive diets and surgeries just to look good. In this society nothing is perfect and no matter how hard a human being tries, is just not enough. Is about who do you see as yourself and not living through others' eyes because at the end of the day society will always try to change who you are. They tell you to be yourself, but they try to change that.

Arlienny Hernandez

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