Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Drugs are a bet with the mind"

      When I see this Quote,I think of all the drugs in the world in general. Whether it is legal or illegal, proscribed by a doctor or not, any drug would mess with your head to accomplish its goal. Antibiotics that doctors proscribe are an example. Pain pills block signals from your brain or in this case your mind. Illegal drugs would definitely be a bet with your mind. Most people use these drugs because it takes their mind off of the real world and makes them feel good. I agree with this quote because when you decide that you want to take these drugs, you assume you can handle it. You assume that your mind will be able to handle the side effects. If people didn't assume this, then why would they take or use a dangerous drug? This also applies to drugs that have the most side effects. Do you ever notice that when a commercial of one pops up on television, they always save the side effects for last and they always seem to say it very quickly? The side effect could be death. That's the main reason why I think drugs are a bet with the mind. You're taking a chance with being okay or witnessing the side effects. It's also crazy how young people our age in society start taking that chance very early. I've witnessed the use of drugs at a very eary early age as well as other stuff. I know I'll never succumb to that way of thinking. Why would I want to make a bet with my mind when I know I control it?
-Jeffrey Collado

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