Friday, July 26, 2013

Tired Thoughts

There hasn't been much on my mind lately. Or maybe there's too much so I can't tell what it is. I don't feel up to responding to the prompt today. I can't write what people ask me to write about, I guess a part of me is stubborn and doesn't want to do what I'm told. Another part just feels too pressured to have a right answer. It's so cold this morning but I love this weather anyway. It reminds me of the fall. Everyone is always saying "It's summer! I love summer!" but spends every nice day inside with their air conditioner on, complaining about the heat. I don't understand people. If you complain about something, how can you love it? It all sounds so fake to me. Like when people say they don't care about something but continue to talk about it. Even if it's in a negative way, they obviously cared enough to discuss it. I truly don't care about anything, if you couldn't tell from my lack of conversation. It comes off as a bad thing and people think I hate them. Oh well. Honestly, that's another thing I don't get. If I've never talked to someone how can I hate them? People are insane. I have no idea where this is going anymore. I'm tired and I want to go home and listen to Blink-182 and sleep.


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