Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Declaration of Minority Equality

       When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for minorities to voice racism, clouded judgement, and abuse of authority.  Being objected the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God or which they have been entitled, a disrespect to the not so common race.  The history of past events presented by the New York Police Department or NYPD has established injustice.  To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:

1. He has subjected us through our race.
2. He has abused his power of stop and frisk.
3. He has subjected us through our social status.
4. He has abused his power of firearms.
5. He has conducted unreasonable search and seizures (without warrants).
6. He has let past experiences cloud his judgement.
7. He has taken advantage of the emergency siren.

        We the minorities face many struggles with law enforcement; having unjustified authority over us.  Whether it be police brutality or unreasonable/illegal search and seizures through our property.  We minorities are victim to something which he have no control of, such as the color of our skin, or our background.  We raise concern onto the abusive authority that has been embedded onto us.  And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, the color of our skin, and sacred honor.

 --Jose, Mamun, Rakin, Zainab, Precious

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