Saturday, July 20, 2013


"The first duty of a man is to think for himself." - Jose Marti

Jose Marti says that in order for one to be a man, he has to step away from conformity and think for himself. There are no limits for a man who thinks for himself. A man who can thinks for himself can lead others. When he is sure about his abilities, others can believe in him. Others will look to him for guidance. He may respect the advice of the his elders but ultimately makes his own decisions.  He who thinks for himself will not allow others to manipulate him. He will not fall under peer pressure. He will know when to speak up and stand up for those who cannot. A man who can think for himself is ready to love. When he can think for himself and not share in society's like-mindedness of love and marriage, he is ready to have a wife. A man who can think for himself is ready to have a son. He is able to shape and mold that young mind. In that way he leaves a legacy, he leaves his mark on this world. A man who thinks for himself can follow his own path,  forge his own destiny. He can live life freely and not live as one of society's mindless drones.


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