Friday, July 6, 2012

"All media works us over completely" -Marshall McLuchan

        Why does this say '"Works us over'" and not 'over works us'? Would that make sense? It does to me. Think, all media overworks us completely. Hmm. Maybe it means the same thing. Whatever.
        Well if all media ‘works us over’; maybe it means that we spend too much time connected to the media. Even though some people claim not to have Facebook; television and the internet itself count as media. Even the radio is media. Media works us over could also mean that it takes to much out of us. Or causes too many problems. I’ve always said that Facebook destroys relationships rather than building them like it was designed to do.
        This quote says media works us over completely. Completely. Well I'm not sure if I completely agree. Maybe the media takes up some of our time, but not all of it. Then again there are people who get no sleep because of Facebook and Instagram and Twitter. The media, the social aspect of it anyway, has taken over our lives. Yeah, media is also news articles about war and politics and the economy; but nobody cares about that. They want other news. About whos doing who and why. People want useless news that’s not even news, it’s gossip! And the media feeds the people what they want.
        All media works us over completely; ALL MEDIA. Yeah, all media doesn’t, bus most of it does. It takes time from our lives, keeps us from our families, distracts us from doing work and stresses us out. Do you remember a time before Facebook when you didn’t have to stress about who wrote on your boyfriends or girlfriends wall, or who liked their status? Today, it’s all about likes. Like this, like that. Like ME. Please ?
-Melanie Ginel

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