Friday, July 6, 2012

"All media work us over completely", Marshall McLuhan " The medium is the message"

This quote gives a strong sense of the impact that the mass media has on our society. This quote shows how the media is taking people's lives from them. It confuses the person and convinces them to want what they don't really want. I've seen a few people who love acting. They start to watch doctor shows such as "Scrubs" and "Grey's Anatomy". They become influenced by the show's drama and fake doctors that they think it's real. They start to say "hey, I want a fun job with all that drama" but, in reality the shows that they are watching on television have a cast of actors playing the role of doctors. My friends aren't stupid but, they are mixing reality with fantasy. Advertisements also brainwash people in a way. They have the power to convince you to buy things you don't really need. For example, let's say a man has a blender that home that he only uses one time in a year span. He turns on the television and there is an advertisement on. There is a blender on sale and it spins 10x his current blender's speed. So he says "wow that's fast, I need a new blender anyways", sound familiar? The media makes it that everything you watch or hear, you must need. There is no such thing as want anymore, it's only need now.  

-Ronald Kuang

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