Tuesday, April 4, 2017

American Dream(s)

This picture shows two sides to America — but there are so many more. The readings in this class have led me to contemplate how the idea of the American dream exists as a singular entity, like we all think we're striving towards the same thing, but in reality the circumstances that we are born into dictate how we dream and what we aspire to do — who we aspire to be.
Privilege is probably the characteristic that defines America more than any other — it's what many of us are born with, in some form or another, and it's what everyone aspires to achieve. But the degree to which privilege can arise from accomplishment, form action, is pretty limited. Most people either have it or they don't, and many of those who do then take advantage of opportunities afforded to them and accumulate capital in the form of increasing privilege. But this is almost impossible to do for people who are afforded little privilege and opportunity.
Opportunities are what shape our dreams and our perceptions of our own capacity for greatness — they will shape our definition of greatness. And so with every variance in privilege and opportunity arises a different idea of the American dream.


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