Saturday, April 15, 2017


"There is no motivation higher than being a good writer."

I think I agree with you Tom Wolfe. There are some days I can write a paper with no problem, the words just flow out of me. But other days, I struggle to even create an outline. When this happens my own motivation is the approaching deadline. I do have one question for you though. What would you consider a good writer? I always thought I was a good writer, until others began to critique my work. I'm not saying feedback is bad, its helpful; everyone can always improve their writing. But is there a certain standard one had to achieve to be considered good? You know, there are different types of writers. There are those that focus on entertainments, and others who write novels. I would consider them both to be good writers, because they are passionate about their work. Can't passion make someone a good writer? I bet theses writers have the best motivation in the world, since they are dedicating their careers to writing, but probably not. Don't we all experience "writer's block" once in a while. For some reason I am able to produce an essay in a hour if I am being timed, but if have more than a week to write a paper, I just can't find the motivation within me. I guess you could say I work best under pressure.

- LG 

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