Monday, April 17, 2017

Yankees v. Indians

When I was little I used to watch baseball religiously with my dad. I loved it so much I even opted to play in the baseball little league rather than the softball one. The first game I ever went to was with him at the old Yankee Stadium. We got shitty seats through the Little League and the section we were in was comprised mostly of fathers and their 8 year old sons. Everyone wore jerseys with cargo shorts and baseball hats but I sat there in a Polo sundress, just as interested in the game as everyone else. I got a ton of strange looks that day as people questioned what on earth this small girl with the neon pink nail polish was doing at a baseball game seated with her entire baseball team. I definitely turned heads that day which I was pretty okay with since it happened every time I showed up to game. Each Tuesday night a different group of opposing team’s parents realized there was a girl on our team. So like I said, at the game that May, I definitely turned heads and people looked over with confusion. I think the only bigger spectacle at the game that day was the guy in the section below us wearing the Native American headdress. Ironically, the Yankees were playing the Indians that day and I vividly remember turning to my dad and asking him why the guy was wearing that since it was very clearly not Halloween. I didn’t even process the opposing team was named after the a wrongly named group of Natives. My dad explained it wasn’t the first time he had seen but how it never seemed to make sense to him. I remember being quiet on the drive home, I was tired from the heat and full from the cotton candy but I also couldn’t stop thinking about the clearly Caucasian Yankee fan in the Native American headdress.


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