Wednesday, March 29, 2017


“To get the fixin’ that you’re itching for” – Isn’t that what we all crave? To find something on a dark day that lights up our life. Some turn to drugs others to thrill seeking or you name it. We all need that vice that grounds us in life, makes us feel alive, but at what cost do we chase this vice? Like a lion that abandons its pride just to chase prey believing that this is what’s best for all, what is necessary. The only difference between the lion and me is that I am human and therefore I am inherently selfish. Some days I feel the need to chase some dream to the point that I find myself alone on a deserted street unsure of how or why I got there. Escapism is a phenomenon that only humans know, placing so much at risk for little reward... it is hard to imagine any other way of living. To live is to gain and to lose, to chase something only to feel it slip out of your fingers at the last second with no warning. But if you get lucky enough to catch it, is this accomplishment of obtaining the unobtainable enough? Abandoning everything just to lay back and soak up every last bit of this moment. Living in a moment with “no need for community.” This is idealized life, but not realistic to live out from day to day. We need community for support in the moments when we can no longer be resilient. Because this high that we chase, a high on life, or a high on a moment, is not enough to sustain us. We will just fall back down to Earth time after time realizing that we have nothing to show for it. Alone, the faintest sound of what is left behind in the distance calling us, but not to come back, to tighten our grasp on what is real, what is here and now.


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