Thursday, March 6, 2014

"You can't go home again."

There's a similar quote I've heard dozens of times about how home is never the same. I can't remember the exact quote but it's something along those lines. It's sort of true. When I return home for spring break, my blue and pink plaid comforter will be folded tightly around my mattress, exactly where I left it. My dresser will still be against my right side wall containing the same exact clothes that were there when I left at the end of January. My desk will still be untouched, my nightside table will probably still have an empty water bottle resting on it, and my old shoes will still be lined up against my closet door. My room will not have changed. My house will not have changed. But I have and so have the people living in it. My twelve-year-old brother will be texting girls and my twenty-two-year-old brother is practically be a "real person" now. My Mom even started dating again. We all have had new experiences and have grown as individuals. Our dynamic changes every time I return home. So no, I can I can never return to the home I grew up in, the home I sometimes crave, but I can still find or make a new home with the people or things I love.
-Lauren Budinsky

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