Thursday, March 27, 2014

On Zappa's Quote

Brendan Ransom
Writing II; Professor Mitchell Jackson
25 March 2014

“Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff”

Though the quote treats externally on one of the primary reasons for the lack of sustained Communist success throughout history, it speaks more deeply to one of the fundamental characteristics of humankind: selfishness. The word has inarguably negative connotations, but it must be noted that the development of selfishness has been vital to human survival and evolution. Zappa’s point, I think, is that it is time for humanity as a race to move beyond the “hunter-gatherer” phase and become more enlightened as a whole. This means relinquishing grasp on the archaic intellectual ideals that are so detrimental to intellectual and cultural progress. I would argue that among these is the compulsive clinging to one’s “natural right to property”. Insistence on this ideal in society springs from distrust of one’s fellow man, and perhaps in oneself as well, stony skepticism in the face of the idea that men can put aside the self-serving instinct that dominates society in the interest of a common good. This skepticism is understandable based on the general character of men, but it is high time we embrace intellectual and cultural evolution.

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